What Donald Trump’s Election Means for Church United in 2025
2024 was an exciting and frightening year, culminating with Donald Trump’s November 5th Presidential election win.
Do You Want To Be Healed?
Neil Armstrong was 38 years old when, on July 20, 1969, he became the first man to walk on the moon. This feat didn’t happen in a vacuum, as the Apollo 11 commander spent years physically preparing for the arduous mission. Two millennia earlier, an unnamed man took his first steps on earth — after 38 years of paralysis. His feat was not the result of self-determination and discipline, though. His steps came only after Jesus asked a simple question:
“Do you want to be healed?”
View From Above
Tucked under the majestic dome of the U.S. Capitol is a spectacular balcony with sweeping views of the most powerful district in America: the Capitol Reflecting Pool, National Mall, Smithsonian and the Old Post Office Pavilion clock tower, plus monuments honoring Presidents Washington, Lincoln, Grant and Garfield. Stately scrollwork protects balcony visitors from the plaza above the famous Capitol steps, where a rarely united Congress gathered after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on American soil.
Humility Month
The signs of June are everywhere. Rainbow designs are emblazoned on billboards, store entries, and even lighted upon municipal buildings. Rainbow flags, hoisted on buildings and flagpoles, snap in the wind. It is a national celebration for a lifestyle that mocks God and misleads people.
Enfocando Nuestra Atención en un Énfasis de Doble Vía
En el mundo actual de los mensajes de texto con un solo clic para enviar, es difícil imaginar que el primer medio de comunicación en el oeste de los Estados Unidos fue el advenimiento en 1860 del Pony Express, seguido un año después por el telégrafo transcontinental inaugural en 1861.
Training Our Eyes On A Two-Track Emphasis
In today’s click-to-send texting world, it’s difficult to imagine that the first means of communicating in the western United States was the 1860 advent of the Pony Express, followed a year later by the inaugural transcontinental telegraph in 1861.
Doors Opened in D.C.
Just a two-minute drive from the U.S. Capitol — the legislative mecca of America — visitors flock to the Museum of the Bible, which celebrates the history of the globe’s best-selling book.
Three Troublesome Pastors
Three California pastors, all generals in the spiritual battle over truth and righteousness, took their influence to the nation’s capital as Church United hosted another Awakening Tour, this time in conjunction with the second annual National Gathering of Prayer and Repentance.
Geofencing Your Congregation By Government
Geofencing is digital tracking of cell phones and is used to specifically identify a demographic for marketing and advertising purposes. Were you aware the government is using this business strategy to target Christians?
A Non-insurance Method to Health Care
As pastors, we are acutely aware of being good stewards of God's money, not only personally but also corporately. That includes providing a way for church or ministry employees to receive the medical care they need at a price that doesn't impede an ability to serve people.
San Jose Win, & LDS Speaking Op
When I'm asked how I spend my day as a pastor, my response is something like this, "Pastor relationships, donor development, networking, and making things happen!" Most of what I do is unseen, but the fruit of the Holy Spirit moving through Church United is evident. Here's a behind-the-scenes snapshot from the past two weeks:
Speaker Johnson Prayed Over By CU Pastors
I know Represenative Mike Johnson. I've met with him multiple times, and I'm grateful to Bob Tyler, who initially introduced me. I'll never forget a candid conversation we had at a coffee shop in D.C. about a phone call he received from President Trump when Rep. Johnson was the chair of the Freedom Caucus, and the caucus wouldn't vote to support his healthcare reform (Obamacare) bill. That's a story I can share with you in person.
Knesset Member Haskel And Church United Recap
The following is a summary of the 10-26-2023 Zoom call we had with Knesset Member Sharren Haskel regarding the state of Israel and the broader Middle East. The call was incredibly powerful, and Member Haskel's passion and transparency was palpable and inspiring. The call touched upon several significant aspects, and while it was heart-wrenchingly difficult to listen to, it is essential that we continue to stay informed about these events.
Hollywood: Human Trafficking, Boxing & Revolution
Are you a theatrical release movie fan? I prefer to watch films in the comfort of my La-Z-Boy so I can hit pause when I have to use the bathroom. Watching at home also allows me to get up from that plush leather chair to make healthy popcorn.
Dios continúa impactando a Estados Unidos
El buen trabajo de Church United continúa, ya que acabamos de atravesar la mitad del camino de este año 2023. Es difícil imaginar que las escuelas darán inicio nuevamente en cuestión de semanas. Y aunque el verano tiende a ser un momento de desaceleración para las familias, Church United mantiene un ritmo constante a medida que nuestra influencia cultural y espiritual se extiende por el Noroeste y hacia el corazón de Estados Unidos.
Partnering with Not A Mistake to Reveal the Rainbow
Scripture does not mince words! Neither will the Revealing the Rainbow conference at Cornerstone Church in Downtown Fresno. The is an inaugural 3-day conference that is launching speaking events across the country. Not A Mistake's Speakers' Bureau will have 4 keynotes: Former Trans Male Chloe Cole, Former Trans Female, Drag Queen and Prostitute Kevin Whitt, Former Lesbian and Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) Kris Olsen, and Former Homosexual Jim Domen will share their stories of transformation proving that change is possible. None of us were "born that way" and you'll hear from the true biological sexes: males and females. Local area counselors will speak and provide resources for those attending.
Metaxas, CBN, and #3 on Amazon!
Wow. What a whirlwind! I’m writing to you from New York, where I just taped a podcast with No. 1 New York Times bestseller Eric Metaxas. I met Eric during a Church United Regional Briefing event in San Jose, where he was the featured speaker. I gave him a copy of my book, “Not A Mistake, Parents' Hope for their Gay Son,” which he read on his flight home. Soon, he sent me an email.
180 Million DayStar TV Audience
Author Jim Domen's Live TV interview on the DayStar network will air tomorrow, Wednesday, May 4, regarding his new book “Not A Mistake, Parents Hope for Their Gay Son.” Available on Amazon.com. DayStar's global audience reaches over 180 million people!
Behold The Coming Ground Swell
There is another wave preparing to break, this one on land—as noted by a recent article in the Los Angeles Times. In its March 4 edition, reporter Cindy Carcamo documented a growing trend of political engagement by Hispanic evangelicals and observers are expecting their influence to come crashing down as a new wave on old stereotypes. As more and more American Hispanics convert from Catholicism to Protestant evangelicalism, their voter preferences are also shifting toward a biblical worldview.
Pastor Hopes to End Cancel Culture
Pastor Jim Domen, MDiv who leads a national ministry engaging pastors in cultural issues impacting their communities, will hold a news conference Tuesday, Feb. 8, 11 a.m. ET at the U.S. Supreme Court requesting justices hear an appeal of his sexual orientation and religious discrimination lawsuit against the video platform Vimeo.