State Of California Impact
NBC New York: Left Field
November 13, 2018
NBC shares the story about AB 2943 and how it was withdrawn from the California legislature by Author Assemblyman Evan Low (D- San Jose)
120 California Pastors to California’s Capitol
May 7- 8, 2018
120 California pastors singing All Hail the Power of Jesus’ name and praying in the rotunda of California’s Capitol. Come Lord Jesus, come!
Sunday: Pastor Jack Hibbs & Assemblyman Phillip Chen
April 2018
A church of 8,000 voters had their Assemblyman Phillip Chen to Calvary Chapel Chino Hills on a Sunday morning to talk about legislation affecting Home Schoolers in California. Pastor Jack Hibbs invited their Assemblyman to share about two bills affecting California homeschool children. The Assembly Bill 2756 (Medina, D-Riverside) never made it to the committee and Assembly Bill 2926 (Eggman, D-Stockton) never got a motion to even hear a vote. Church United is grateful for the 1,000+ people (Dads, moms, and their children) who filled the halls of the California Assembly Hearing Room.
August 31, 2018
California pastors from across the entire state (Northern, Central, and Southern) express their thankfulness in multiple languages to Assemblyman Evan Low (D-Campbell) for withdrawing Assembly Bill 2943, on August 31, 2018.
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
May 2018
120 California pastors singing All Hail the Power of Jesus’ name and praying in the rotunda of California’s Capitol. Come Lord Jesus, come!
California Pastors praising God in the rotunda of California’s Capitol
February 2018
California pastors almost representing every Assembly and Senate District in the state coming together to pray and sing the Doxology. Church United Awakening Tour February 2018
I’m A Fraud: AB 2943
Battle Hymn of the Republic
May 2018
120 California pastors singing Battle Hymn of the Republic and praying in the rotunda of California’s Capitol. Come Lord Jesus, come!
24 Regional Pastors of Influence Impact Sacramento
February 2017
Twenty-four California Pastors of Regional Influence attended the inaugural Church United Awakening Tour in Sacramento, California. Three pastors share their awakening experiences and how they have impacted their cities.
AB 2943 Santa Ana
Press Conference
May 29, 11:00 a.m. 2018
Florida Pulse Nightclub Survivor and 10 Formers (Homosexuals, Lesbians & Same Sex Attracted), Outraged over Proposed Ban of Sexual Freedom Will Speak.
Black, brown, and white pastors representing over 700 California Church United Evangelical Pastors traveling from Alameda, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Diego counties, will also speak regarding the upcoming State Senate hearing on California Assembly Bill 2943, the proposed law that would prohibit speech and deny the right to choose.
The California Evangelical pastors of Church United will introduce to the public over 25 compelling men and women of varying ethnicities who are former homosexuals, former lesbians and same-sex attracted and who have benefited by the very services AB 2943 intends to ban.
This bill’s hostility toward consenting adults who have chosen to live a life in accordance with their faith and identity as a Christian will prohibit them from purchasing supportive books or from obtaining supportive counseling. However, in contrast, they would be able to receive counseling that offers encouragement towards “exploration and development” of attraction toward individuals of the same sex.
Plainly put, Assembly Bill 2943 (Evan Low, D-San Jose, LGBT Caucus) violates free speech and promotes viewpoint discrimination.
AB 2943 Sacramento
Press Conference
May 8, 12:00 p.m. 2018
120 California pastors attended a press conference listening to stories of 5 Former Homosexuals and Lesbians and how they chose to change their lives from homosexuality to heterosexuality with the help of counselors, therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, pastors and Scripture.
Over 100 California pastors engaged Legislators in Sacramento
February 2018
California pastors share briefly of the impact on our state. Church United Awakening Tour February 2018
Orange County Register: August 27, 2018
California Assembly Bill 2943 awakened a compassionate giant
Fox News: June 12, 2018
Chicago Daily Herald: June 12, 2018
Group fights bill to declare gay conversion therapy a fraud
ABC News Sacramento: June 12, 2018
Group fights bill to declare gay conversion therapy a fraud
Lifesite News: June 13, 2018
Ex-gays and ex-trans rally against California’s LGBT therapy ban
World News Magazine: June 13, 2018
Follow the Assembly Line
最新發展》AB2943法案侵犯宗教自由及選擇權加州教會聯合抗議:人們有 …
基督教今日報-Jun 13, 2018
聯合教會(Church United)牧師吉姆‧多們(Jim Domen)表示,反對AB2943就是在保護憲法賦予每個美國國民的自由權, 每個人都有權追求使他們獲得 …