200 California Pastors to D.C. in 2022
We are on the cusp of a new year and we’ve got big plans, but before we unveil those, I’d like to spend a few minutes celebrating significant victories among our courageous network of Church United Pastors.
After five years of intentional foundation setting, 2021 ushered in a season of growth and influential reach for Church United, and much of that success is the result of your faithful partnership through intercession and investment. God continues to amaze me with his provision and advancement.
Prime Time Church United Pastor Interview
This Friday at 5:00 p.m. PST Fox national news Host Tucker Carlson will interview Pastor and Oroville Vice Mayor Scott Thompson.
Pastor Scott serves his community as Senior Pastor at River of Life Church and as a city council member. He lives out Scripture from behind the pulpit to the public square with solid policy decisions.
California Cosecha Atención Global
California se convertirá en el primer estado de la nación en exigir a los grandes comerciantes que incluyan pasillos de juguetes y artículos de cuidado infantil "género neutro" a partir de 2024. Las multas por incumplimiento comienzan en $200, y las infracciones repetidas cuestan $500 por cada infracción. El gobernador Gavin Newsom firmó el proyecto de ley el pasado lunes 11 de Octubre.
California Reaps Global Attention
California will become the first state in the nation to require large retailers to include “gender neutral” toy aisles and childcare items beginning in 2024. Fines for noncompliance start at $200, with repeat violations costing $500 for each infraction. Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the bill into law last Monday, October 11.
Recall Debate: Nixon Library Thursday
Aug. 4 will be a pivotal moment for the heart and soul of California when voters get the first look at the top contenders in the statewide effort to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom. This first debate will be held at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum in Yorba Linda. Church United plans to attend the debate to monitor the high-stakes election, set for Sept. 14. Information gleaned from the debate will be used to help Church United pastors engage their congregations.
Internet Censorship Lawsuit Advances
The 2nd Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has vacated the 3-judge panel decision regarding Section 230 of the Communication Decency Act in the case of Domen v. Vimeo. The court has agreed to rehear this case en banc, which challenges the district court’s ruling asserting that Section 230 makes Vimeo and other Big Tech companies immune from civil rights laws.
Soft Totalitarianism
Hard totalitarianism is easy to see. It is Soviet tanks rolling through your streets. It is the secret police in the former East Germany bugging your home, following you, arresting you, torturing you, and imprisoning you with a show trial or no trial. Soft totalitarianism, thanks to advances in technology, is coming to us via the surveillance culture. It is sort of a cross between Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World. In 1984, there was a telescreen in your home that could monitor your life 24/7.
Totalitarismo Blando
El totalitarismo duro es fácil de ver. Son tanques soviéticos rodando por tus calles. Es la policía secreta de la antigua Alemania del Este que te escucha en casa, te sigue, te arresta, te tortura y te encarcela juicio o sin juicio. El totalitarismo blando, gracias a los avances de la tecnología, nos está llegando a través de la cultura de la vigilancia. Es una especie de cruce entre el 1984 de Orwell y el Mundo Feliz de Huxley.
Agencia cristiana de acogimiento gana demanda de colocación con personas del mismo sexo ante la Corte Suprema
Los programas de acogida cristianos recibieron una gran victoria la semana pasada después de que la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos, en una rara decisión unánime, dictaminó que la ciudad de Philadelphia no puede excluir a las agencias que no coloquen a los niños con parejas del mismo sexo porque hacerlo no está de acuerdo con las creencias religiosas de la agencia.
Christian Foster Care Agency Wins Supreme Court Same-sex Placement Suit
Christian-based foster care programs were handed a major victory last week after the U.S. Supreme Court—in a rare unanimous decision—ruled the city of Philadelphia can't exclude agencies that won't place children with same-sex couples because doing so is not in accordance with the religious beliefs of the agency.
Celebrando el canal del púlpito
Durante más de tres décadas como pastor principal, Larry Ihrig está acostumbrado a tomar una posición cada semana mientras entrega la Palabra de Dios desde el púlpito. Ahora, como pastor de Church United, se está acostumbrando a quitar esos puestos de los confines del santuario.
Celebrating the Pulpit Pipeline
For more than three decades as a lead pastor, Larry Ihrig is used to taking a stand each week as he delivers God’s Word from the pulpit. Now, as a Church United pastor, he’s getting used to taking those stands away from the confines of the sanctuary.
Oxnard Pastor Makes Game-Changing Decision
"We get bombarded with all kinds of requests to get involved in all kinds of good causes," he said. "There's not a shortage of good causes and, for the most part, very few of them actually sink in, very few of them actually cause us to change course direction."
76,000 Criminales Liberados
El Lunes, 3 de Mayo de 202I, recibí un correo electrónico del Asambleísta del estado de California Phillip Chen, alertando que el estado de California está liberando a 76,000 criminales violentos de las prisiones de California! Compartió enfáticamente que la financiación no es el problema, y que "California tiene un superávit de 34,000 millones de dólares".
76,000 Criminals Released
On Monday, May 3, 202I, I received an email from California State Assemblyman Phillip Chen, alerting me that the state of California is releasing 76,000 violent criminals from California prisons! He emphatically shared that funding is not the issue, and that “California has a $34 billion dollar surplus.”
An Exodus
The movement of thousands of children from Central America to the American border is alarming. When we watch the news, politicians on both sides condemn what is happening: the lack of enforcement of laws, the trafficking of humans, and the poverty causing the migration. As Christians, we have the hope that the Word of God still has the answers for a situation that threatens to destabilize our nation.
Un Éxodo
El movimiento de miles de niños desde Centroamérica hasta la frontera con Estados Unidos es alarmante. Cuando vemos las noticias, los políticos de ambos lados condenan lo que está sucediendo: la falta de aplicación de las leyes, el tráfico de seres humanos y la pobreza que causa la migración. Como cristianos, tenemos la esperanza de que la Palabra de Dios todavía tenga las respuestas para una situación que amenaza con desestabilizar nuestra nación.
HR-5 Christian Discrimination Act
Church United has been actively engaged speaking truth to House Resolution Bill 5. I’ve dubbed it the Christian Discrimination Act since May 2018 when the House passed a proposed law that would force churches and Christian organization to hire lesbians, homosexuals, bisexuals, transgendered, queer/questioning people.
Pastor falsamente arrestado por desintegrarse racismo
Zac Morrison era considerado un prodigio. Para cuando ingresó a la universidad con una beca de música a finales de los ‘70s, ya era competente en 12 instrumentos. Como un joven negro, Zac se crió en varios barrios integrados donde las familias negras, blancas, hispanas, asiáticas e isleños son co-padres.
Pastor Falsely Arrested to Disintegrated Racism
Zac Morrison was considered a prodigy. By the time he entered college on a music scholarship in the late ’70s, he was already proficient on 12 instruments. As a young black man, Zac was raised in several integrated neighborhoods where black, white, Hispanic, Asian and Islander families co-parented.