Two Bethel Pastors Testify Change-allowing Therapy

Newly proposed resolution (ACR-99, Low-Cupertino) elevates LGBTQ community over others

California Assemblyman Evan Low (D- Cupertino), the author behind last year’s unsuccessful AB 2943, is trying a different tactic in his quest to undermine choice for men and women wishing to leave behind the LGBT lifestyle. 

California Pastor Ken Williams and Pastor Elizabeth Woning, a Former homosexual and Former lesbian, from Bethel Church’s Moral Revolution, are testifying against the resolution in the Assembly Judiciary committee, Tuesday, June 18.  If the resolution passes the committee, it will then move to the Assembly Floor.

On June 4, Low introduced Assembly Concurrent Resolution 99, which “calls on all Californians to embrace… community acceptance, upon religious leaders with conviction to counsel on LGBT matters from a place of love, compassion, and knowledge of the psychological and other harms of conversion therapy…” [emphasis added]. 

Although the resolution has no legal standing and cannot be enforced, its purpose is no less dangerous as it codifies an ideology that undermines religious freedom for millions of Californians. Tragically, it elevates one class of people—the LGBTQ community—above another by marginalizing those who have no desire to remain LGBTQ. The resolution also targets the religious community by asking citizens to turn their back on closely held religious beliefs, beliefs that are protected – guaranteed - by the Constitution.

As is the narrative with LGBTQ immutability discussions verses change-allowing therapy, the resolution is fraught with hypocrisy and inaccuracies. For instance, one section of the resolution declares: “Conversion therapy has been rejected as ineffective, unethical, and harmful by leading medical, mental health, and child welfare organizations in the United States.”

Although few have reported instances in the pastof abusive application during some treatment, what is not reported are the thousands of cases of success where men and women are leading happy, healthy lives as heterosexuals, many with families. By labeling conversiontherapy ineffective, activists are essentially calling these Former LGBTQ people frauds. The fact is change-allowingtherapy is an effective tool when a client desires to make a change.

The resolution is also quick to declare such treatment unethical, but what can be more unethical than refusing to provide a patient with full access to all treatment options so they can choose for themselves? 

Finally, the resolution calls upon religious leaders who counsel LGBT patients to do so from “a place of” love and compassion. Again, the assumption being that religious beliefs that run contrary to their ideology are hateful and uncompassionate. In fact, they are merely different, based on a profound respect for God’s abiding Word and will.

It’s imperative that our state legislators hear from constituents with a strong biblical worldview and remind them that they have an obligation to legislate “with great moral influence to model equitable treatment of all people of the state.” That includes Former LGBTQ people and those with religious moorings.


A Pastor's Personal Response to Assemblyman Low's Resolution


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