Executive Order & SOS International Religious Freedom Report
Entire U.S. Government to Prioritize Religious Freedom
Click to watch the first 11 minutes of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s recap of current events and 2019 Report on International Religious Freedom. After the 11 minute mark, Q&A from the media about issues within the United States and then at 19:20, remarks from Ambassador Sam Brownback, United States Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom. June 10, 2020
“I’m here one more time, proudly, to talk about freedom and free societies. And while America is not a perfect nation by any means, we always strive towards that more perfect union, trying to improve. We remain the greatest nation in the history of civilization.
“One of the good things that we do in this administration is our dedication to the protection of religious freedom all around the world. Last week, President Trump signed the first ever executive order that instructs the entire U.S. Government to prioritize religious freedom.”
– Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
Click to read the entire report or to watch the news conference video and transcript.