Behold The Coming Ground Swell
One of Church United's most influential Spanish speaking pastors, Pastor Netz Gomez, Houses of Light, Northridge, California, preaching during a Sunday morning worship service. Pastor Netz is the most listened to Spanish speaking pastors in America with Evangelical and Catholic Spanish speakers listening audiences online and radio.
(Photo: Myung J. Chun / Los Angeles Times)
There is something majestic about the ebb and flow of waves. Before the epic white caps even begin their thunderous crash onto the beach, currents—churning below the surface—begin a fevered dance as energy moves through water. That motion is then augmented by other earthly forces such as wind, sun and moon to create a dynamic swell.
There is another wave preparing to break, this one on land—as noted by a recent article in the Los Angeles Times. In its March 4 edition, reporter Cindy Carcamo documented a growing trend of political engagement by Hispanic evangelicals and observers are expecting their influence to come crashing down as a new wave on old stereotypes. As more and more American Hispanics convert from Catholicism to Protestant evangelicalism, their voter preferences are also shifting toward a biblical worldview. Political positions on abortion, religious freedom and LGBT issues matter, meaning Democratic operatives can no longer give lip service to the Hispanic vote.
In her article, Carcamo cited the work of Church United and our network of pastors of regional influence, as playing a significant role in the shift. In the piece, Pastor Netz Gómez, shared how one of our Awakening Tours to Washington, D.C. compelled him to become active in speaking to culture. In addition to our tours to D.C. and Sacramento, Church United hosts a variety of regional briefings, including regular Spanish-language events.
“Us Christians who vote biblically can make a great difference in our nation,” Pastor Netz, who leads the 2,000-member Houses of Light Church in Northridge, told the Times.
Houses of Light congregants worshiping. (Photo: Myung J. Chun / Los Angeles Times)
We are grateful to Pastor Netz and the 2,000 other pastors in our network. As a result of your commitment to the biblical vision of Church United, these events are opening the eyes of pastors who long believed their duty was to lead only within the four walls of the church—or that it was too late to change America’s trajectory.
But as the article shows, pastors are engaging by holding voter registration drives, hosting workshops on biblical values and recruiting members to run for local offices, including school boards.
Church United is encouraging that work by hosting an upcoming Spanish-language event for 300 pastors and their spouses in Los Angeles. As part of that effort, one of our faithful donors is offering a matching gift of up to $40,000 to underwrite the program, which means current donations will go twice as far! Donate here specifically for this event!! Our goal is $150,000.
This is an exciting time for Church United and our partner congregations. The work we do matters and is being noticed by historically liberal groups. In its article, the Times described Church United as one of the “most influential leaders in conservative Christian circles.”
That influence has helped Church United and Senior Pastor Mike McClure secure noted author Eric Metaxas for our April 30 Freedom Weekend in San Jose and other state and national speakers!
The Secular sees the impact Church United is having in California. The same article ran in the San Diego Tribune and even in Bozeman, Montana. Would you consider a donation to Church United to help support the continuing impact in California?